Andersen Dental Center Blog
Seven Holiday Foods That Benefit Your Oral Health
The holidays are filled with sugary foods that are bad for both your teeth and overall health. However, there are many great foods in season right now too! So, instead of giving you a list of foods you already know you should avoid, we wanted to provide you with...
What Is the Best Dental Schedule for Me?
You probably know that most standard dental checkups are done twice a year. However, dentistry is as individual as your personal health. Because your dentistry needs are distinct to you, the oral health schedule that Dr. Andersen suggests you follow may be different...
The History of Andersen vs. Anderson
One of the questions we often get asked here at Andersen Dental Center is “It’s spelled AnderSON, right?” So, we thought we would help set the record straight with a little last-name history lesson. Here is why we are AnderSEN Dental Center, not AnderSON Dental...
10 Tips for Keeping Your Kid’s Teeth Healthy Through the School Year
Summer is over and children here in Vancouver Washington are headed back to school. Now that your child is no longer on his or her summer schedule, your household likely has to get used to a new routine. Andersen Dental Center knows that this can mean a change or...
Should You Use an Electric or Manual Toothbrush?
One of the questions our patients commonly ask us here at Andersen Dental Center is: What type of toothbrush should I use? It seems like many dentists have preferences. Some believe that electric toothbrushes are the most effective while others don’t mind manual...
Pros and Cons of Dental Implant Alternatives
While dentists commonly recommend dental implants for a missing tooth or teeth, there are other options. Unfortunately, these options do have their downsides, which is why dental implants were created. Here is every option to dental implants, along with the pros and...
Why Get Dental Implants
Sometimes, despite a person’s best efforts, they lose a tooth or many of their teeth. This can happen from injury, old age, periodontitis, or poor oral care. In the past, missing teeth meant dentures or bridges, both of which can be harmful to existing teeth and can...
Andersen Dental Center’s Grand Opening!
You're Invited to Andersen Dental Center's Open House & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Come join us in welcoming Dr. Dane Andersen and team as we enjoy food and fun. We will be providing raffle drawings for some fantastic prizes! Please email us at...
Family First at Andersen Dental Center
Dr. Dane Andersen's son takes the chair at Andersen Dental Center